Exodus International was the front-runner in the movement until chinks started appearing in the armour. In 1979 one of its founders and another leader left the organization to be with each other and eventually entered a committed relationship. In 2000, literal poster boy John Paulk was discovered flirting in a gay bar.
From http://exodusinternational.org/2013/06/exodus-international-to-shut-down/
“Exodus is an institution in the conservative Christian world, but we’ve ceased to be a living, breathing organism,” said Alan Chambers, President of Exodus. “For quite some time we’ve been imprisoned in a worldview that’s neither honoring toward our fellow human beings, nor biblical.”
Chambers continued: “From a Judeo-Christian perspective, gay, straight or otherwise, we’re all prodigal sons and daughters. Exodus International is the prodigal’s older brother, trying to impose its will on God’s promises, and make judgments on who’s worthy of His Kingdom. God is calling us to be the Father – to welcome everyone, to love unhindered.”
For these reasons, the Board of Directors unanimously voted to close Exodus International and begin a separate ministry.
It remains to be seen how this new ministry behaves but with Chambers mea culpa-ing all over the place, I remain hopeful.